5 Things to Keep in Mind while Promoting Your Newsletter on Social Media

Zappian Media
4 min readNov 1, 2019

Any individual who is was, or has been a part of the digital marketing fraternity knows how important email marketing is for any kind of work that they do on the ‘net. An email list actually fuels your digital marketing empire but now that Social Media has taken over everything, one has to adapt and learn how to promote newsletter on social media.

But for normal beings who don’t really know much about digital marketing (because they’re busy scrolling through Instagram), they don’t believe in all of that. Their reaction to the newsletter talk is “who reads emails these days?” and “just upload a video on Instagram man, that’s lit”.

These people might turn out to be your biggest newsletter fan-boys and fan-girls, but the reason they don’t is that they never find a way around your newsletter. The question is simple — how to promote our newsletter on social media? Well, it’s not rocket science.

All you have to do is stay in the game (which you already plan on doing) and bring these strategies into play in order to promote your newsletter on social media. Your social media audience isn’t like an email list that you obtained through traditional lead generation methods — it’s whole of a different ball game.

So let’s look at some tips that will provide you a head start on how to promote your newsletter on social media. Implement these short tweaks in your social media routine and get ready to rumble with your mailing list!

1. Build a Robust Follower Base

Most of the digital marketing websites that market through email are generally not very active on social media. The reason is simple — they don’t consider it as an important source of traffic and lead generation.

Just as important it is to create a social media account to optimize the website, it’s important to keep it running too. Increase your social media reach step by step by building a follower base every day. Provide meaningful content, keep up with the trends and use hashtags that work to drive traffic to your social accounts.

2. Get them Talking

If you want to know how to promote newsletters on social media, you have to make your follower base believe that you actually have the good stuff in the form of content. Give them a reason to talk about, encourage comment wars and thread battles in your comment section (but keep your moral fiber in check).

The best way to get people debating is by giving reasons to debate. From “is the dress red or blue” to “should corporate world care about the Amazon Rainforest fire”, any topic would do. People want to know others’ opinions more than what the question is. That’s what will drive them to subscribe to your email list.

You can use your own custom hashtags as well. Use it on every post you make so that whenever users want to look for your content, they have a go-to hashtag.

3. Make the Most of Your Existing List

Your current email list has a vast multitude of dynamics. If you know all the right things about your mailing list viz. target audience’s age, occupation, likenesses and other useful insights that are there, you can salvage lots of new ways that’ll give you ideas on how to promote newsletter on social media.

When you know how your email list looks like, you will then look beyond it to find out who they are. You can plan your newsletters accordingly by providing whatever social media connect suits your target audience in the best manner. This info can also be of use while running paid social media campaigns because you don’t want your bids to go wasted on clicks that don’t really matter.

4. Cross-Promotion is Crucial

There’s more to social media promotions than just hashtags and memes. Your newsletter can be promoted to the highest extent if you promote it across the platforms. For instance, your social media stories can make it into your newsletters and your newsletter content can be broken down into snackable bits with a link that goes straight to the newsletter story.

Your email newsletter can also be shared as a blog/article on social media with CTAs asking to subscribe to your newsletter. Utilize your social media accounts’ bio to the fullest by posting the Newsletter Subscription Link in them (along with the website URL, if possible).

Social Media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram allow you to craft custom “tags” which are nothing but custom QR Codes that notify your audience about the fact that you are active on these platforms. You can set Snapchat Tag as your Twitter profile picture so that whenever your audience reads a tweet, they know that you’re on other platforms as well.

5. Link Your Social Media Everywhere

The best part of promoting newsletters on social media is the number of ways you can harness your audience’s networking power. Even if one person out of ten email subscribers shares something from your newsletter on social media, then your subscriber list will definitely change for the better.

That is why you have to provide social media share buttons on every newsletter that you send on email. You can promote your social accounts in the email signatures and through banner ads by incentivizing your email list with alluring content and offers.

The Crux: Stay Active and Go for the Win!

Now that you know how to promote your newsletter on social media, you can come up with an all-new digital marketing strategy that can actually help in earning new subscribers. An email list is indispensable part of an affiliate marketer’s arsenal.

The world of digital marketing is all about innovation, out-of-the-box ideologies, and mixtures of content that actually please the viewers’ eyes, ears, and minds. If you find a way to bring your social media audience on the newsletter wagon, you’ll surely find a way to win.

Until them, keep your activity meter in the red hot zone, stay trending and post #LitAF Instagram and Snapchat stories!



Zappian Media

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